membrane filter-Aijiren HPLC Vials
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membrane filter

The Impact of Varying Pore Sizes in Syringe Filters on Inconsistent Results

The Impact of Varying Pore Sizes in Syringe Filters on Inconsistent Results

Explore the consequences of using syringe filters with different pore sizes on result accuracy. Find insights on standardization and quality control.
Dealing with Syringe Filter Damage during Usage

Dealing with Syringe Filter Damage during Usage

Discover ways to avoid syringe filter damage during filtration. From pressure control to correct installation, ensure efficient lab processes.
What Is the Role of Syringe Filters in Environmental Contaminant Analysis?

What Is the Role of Syringe Filters in Environmental Contaminant Analysis?

Explore the significance of syringe filters in environmental analysis. Protect instruments, remove impurities, and achieve accurate contaminant detection.
PVDF vs. Nylon Syringe Filters: Which Should You Use?

PVDF vs. Nylon Syringe Filters: Which Should You Use?

Explore the key differences between PVDF and Nylon syringe filters. Learn which material suits your lab needs – from chemical compatibility to protein binding. Make the right choice!
The Syringe Filter Pore Size Guide for Precise Sample Filtration

The Syringe Filter Pore Size Guide for Precise Sample Filtration

Achieve precise sample filtration with our syringe filter pore size guide. Discover the ideal filter size for your application and ensure reliable results.
The Complete Guide to 0.45 Micron Filters: Everything You Need to Know

The Complete Guide to 0.45 Micron Filters: Everything You Need to Know

Everything you need to know about 0.45 micron filters - from applications to selection and maintenance. Your go-to guide for precise filtration.
Can Syringe Filters be Reused

For Syringe Filters you Will Reused?

We do not recommend a reusable disposable Syringe Filter. Because there is a possibility of cross-contamination with repeated use. Once a problem occurs, it is necessary to check whether the sample is contaminated. This will result in higher costs.
How to Select the Correct Syringe Filter for Your Sample Preparation?

How to Select the Correct Syringe Filter for Your Sample Preparation?

The selection of the correct Syringe filter in all analytical tests is a pivotal task. There are several factors to consider when choosing a Syringe filters.
syringe filters

Non-sterile Disposable Syringe Filter

1.Membrane: PTFE, PVDF, PES, MCE, NYLON, PP, CA, etc.
2.Pore Size: 0.22um / 0.45um
3.Diameter: 13mm / 25mm
4.House Material: PP
5.Process Volume(ml): 13mm<10ml; 25mm<100ml
HPLC Syringe Filter

Syringe Filter for Sale

1.Membrane: Nylon;Hydrophilic PVDF;Hydrophilic PTFE;Hydrophobic PTFE;PES;MCE;Hydrophilic PP;Cellulose Acetate(CA).

2.Pore Size: 0.22um and 0.45um Diameter: 13mm and 25mm

3.Usages: Whether your research r