Aijiren 20ml Headspace Vial for Gas Chromatography
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Aijiren 20ml Headspace Vial for Gas Chromatography

Sep. 10th, 2020
20ml Headspace Vial has two different type of mouth shape. There are 20mm crimp top headspace vial and 18mm screw top headspace vial to select. As we all known, 20ml Headspace Vial is mainly for Gas chromatography analysis. 18mm screw headspace vial and 20mm crimp headspace vial are equipped to different autosampler.
20ml Headspace Vial is available in clear or amber glass. According to analyte, clear and amber glass headspace vials are selected. The bottom of 20ml Headspace Vial is available round bottom and flat bottom. 20ml crimp top headspace vial need aluminum Caps and Closures to seal the vial. This 20ml Headspace Vial need crimper tool. 
20ml Crimp Top Headspace Vial has a very good seal, so this headspace vial can be used for volatile samples. 20ml Headspace Vial for gas chromatography analysis needs to be used with 20mm Hand Crimper to seal the vials, and when opening the lid, it needs to use 20mm Hand Decrimper tool, too.
AIjiren supply 20ml Headspace Vial, making of type I borosilicate glass. 20ml Headspace Vial is feature rounded shoulders and bottoms,  which allows for even heating and safer operation at higher pressures. The newly designed top provides a tighter seal with the septa. You can get 20mm aluminum seals in Aijiren shop.
Aijiren is the 20ml Headspace Vial manufacturer, you can get 20ml Headspace Vial, closures and septa in Aijiren shop. OEM service is available; you can only tell your requirement to business manager, they will give you answer.